Possibly the most obvious and most important, you need to love yourself, but I'm not just talking about confidence in your appearances, this also means treat your body right. I'm not gonna tell you to stop eating those chocolate sundaes and going out to eat with friends, but try to not always eat junk food. If you want to lose weight for yourself, the app called myfitnesspal is a good one to download because you can track your calories and exercise and how many steps you take each day.
2) Drink water!!!!
This one kind of goes off number 1 and loving your body because in order to do this you need to drink lots and lots of water! Cut the coffee and drink at least 8 oz of water first thing when you wake up in the morning to boost your metabolism and get it workin for the day as well as wake you up. Citrus has also been proven to help you do just this, but water is the cheapest and easiest option (I've been doing it for a week and it's worked out pretty well so far). Many drinks like fruit juice, milk, tea are not bad for you and can give you good vitamins but nothing is as good for you as water. No nutritional value, yet can help your body in mysterious ways. If you're like me and don't exactly enjoy the taste of water, drink it through a straw or carry around a camelbak water bottle and it's guaranteed to make it more enjoyable!\
3) Write
There is almost nothing better at relieving stress and emotions than writing. This could be journaling, or just writing in any sense. Although talking to people about your problems is great to get it out, sometimes if you just don't want to share with someone or can't right away, it helps 100% to write on paper what is going on. The book 642 things to write about is one that I got for Christmas and I am loving so far. It has so many different scenarios to write about and expand on as well as things that you write about from your own experiences. It also is great to start with one of the topics from the book then go farther by writing your own piece based on that starting point.
4) Get Organized
I've only recently started getting organized and cleaning up my own life, but it already feels great. Keeping your life as clutter free (object and people wise) can really help boost your productivity and mood. When you're around a clutter you don't really feel like doing much (at least in my experience). Plus having stuff in its spot really makes you feel good because you feel as if something in your life is going right. If you are reading this, I challenge you to get rid of 100 things in your life (say that book you never read and don't care for that maybe someone else may want, or a mcdonalds toy you should've thrown away years ago, or clothes that don't even fit you anymore). It will feel great to declutter.
5) Plan Everything
Plan everything. Write down everything you'll be doing down on a calendar or in your phone or in a day to day planner. It makes life so much easier, trust me. I prefer to use a day to day one that I can write down school/work/social life events altogether. I also use my phone calendar for most the same stuff as well like big events going on on a certain day and time.
6) Use notes on your phone an unreasonable amount
This sounds really weird, but if you're as attached to your phone as me, you want to make use of the notes app (tied to your email so if you change phones you aren't losing anything) as much as possible. For example, if I have a lot to do on a certain day, I just write it down on my notes and if I really can't forget it, I'll set it as my lock screen to be constantly reminded. I also write down songs or music to look up, books to read, movies to watch, stores to shop at, lists of things I need, ideas (for literally anything), song lyrics, passwords and/or usernames (passwords may not be the most safe option but for things like accounts on forever 21 or what not, I'm not exactly afraid of someone hacking into).
This is one that I just recently learned to do more this year. (Within reason, i.e. don't hurt people with what you say or do), but literally just say and do what you want. It's that simple. Saying what is on your mind is so important for yourself and your health. It's not good to hold things in because you're afraid of what people will think. Maybe this is mainly because I am a senior and have just learned this since I won't be seeing these people for much longer but I wish I would've learned it earlier. Do whatever makes you happy as well. If people don't like it, they don't have to be your friend or associate with you, but trust me, you will find other people like you out there, it will be okay. The first step is always the hardest.
8) Read More
I feel as if this is always on everyone's new years resolution lists because it is one that you really should fulfill. This year I have gotten back into reading and I am constantly buying new books to add to my library. I love books like Nicholas Sparks romantic ones, but recently I have also really been enjoying non fiction and biography type books because I feel like they increase my knowledge a lot and I love that feeling. I also am weird and love living vicariously through other peoples cool experiences in life and feel as if you can learn a lot. DO IT. MAKE TIME. READ. YOU LITERALLY WON'T REGRET IT.
9) Take Pictures
I don't really care much about what older people have to say about the younger generations being corrupted or whatever, because I think you should be able to take pictures of anything and everything. Of course you know not to spend a whole vacation or beach trip or concert with your phone in your face or behind a camera, but pictures are a great invention especially with it being so easy to do with modern technology and you can have so much fun and reminisce over them later. Hang them up on your wall or make a scrapbook (sounds old fashioned but what else to do with all these amazing photos? Don't you want to show off to your future kids and grandkids how cool you used to be??)
10) Say Yes
Learn to say yes to things. I know it can be hard when you always have the option of a night in with just you, your comfy bed, a bowl of popcorn, and netflix, but there's always time for that later. If a friend asks you to hang out and do something cool, do it. You can always leave later if you feel uncomfortable or tired. But there are so many neat places to see, experiences to be had, and people to meet. It sounds so cliche I kind of hate myself for saying it, but if you don't say yes, you may miss out on so much of your life, especially when you're young and essentially "free". There is no better time.
If you are a huge parks n rec fan, as I am, you have most likely seen the treat yo self episodes (there was recently another one in the final season!) in which Donna and Tom have one day a year that they buy whatever they want and pamper themselves. I'm not saying to go out and spend your life savings on something you can't afford and don't need, but if you work hard for your money, by golly, you deserve to spend some of it on yourself once in awhile. This could also mean just giving yourself a day off of your life to recoup and rest and refocus.
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